Starting the New Year with a New Moon

With 2024 in full swing, we here at Treeopia are excited for the year ahead and the changes nature brings. January’s new moon is the first one of the year and brings supercharged ‘fresh-start’ energy - ripe for setting the tone for the ensuing year.


We find nature’s embrace to be a spiritual experience, and best shared with your loved one, here at Treeopia we are so lucky to bask in nature every day and encourage you both to experience this too.


We start the year with both Jupiter and Mercury stationing directly, and with Mars entering its exaltation sign, January 2024 horoscope welcomes a brand-new year of opportunity, it’s never too early to plan your next getaway! January contains a lot of powerful energy for getting your plans in order, so why not indulge in a romantic getaway?


If you’re travelling this month or planning to, astrology leads to an immersion into nature – engaging in a relaxing walk on a leaf covered path or wildlife spotting, from the comfort of your balcony, if you both are looking for a healthy mix of a relaxing romantic break with the escape into nature, Treeopia is the perfect place for your next getaway.


Aquarius season begins on the 20th, bringing intense emotions and urging us towards self-expression. The next day, Pluto will enter Aquarius, delivering some creative inspiration, too. You’ll sense everyone wanting to make big changes - could this be nature’s way of saying it is definitely time to escape together?


January really is a beautiful month, full of wonder, change and spiritual meaning. Why not come and immerse yourselves in all that nature has to offer at the UK’s most luxurious treehouses.


Leap into Valentines


Stargazing: A truly mesmerising experience to elevate your staycation